Khagol _112 _October 2017

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between a non-profit organisation Agricultural Development Trust (ADT), Baramati and IUCAAon September 13, 2017. Under this,ADTwill fund a van to carry a telescope, amobile planetariumand some other astronomy education material to rural areas. Two teachers, trained by IUCAA will visit around 250 Zila Parishad government schools in Baramati and conduct programmes over the next 6months. FromSeptember 11 to 13, some primary school teachers fromADTwere trained to handle themobile planetariumand to conduct the shows for school kids in government schools located in remote villages. MoU on a Rural Astronomy Popularisation Programme Teachers’ Workshop on Astronomy in School Textbooks was conducted during July 25 - August 1, 2017, for secondary school teachers from Akanksha Foundation. Fifteen teachers volunteered from different government Schools Participated in the workshop. Basic astronomy concepts involved in Science and Geopgraphy books were explained along with some demonstrations, role-plays to visualise and to understand these concepts better. Other Regular Events The Public Outreach groups conducted 10 science toys workshops, 05 basic astronomy workshops and 10 campus visits with an approximate reach to about 1000 people. The mobile planetarium (Taramandal) was given out to volunteers from College of Engineering, Pune. Their volunteers, trained by IUCAA, reached about 600 people. | KHAG L | No. 112 - OCTOBER 2017 | 14 SecondSaturday Lectures - July 08 : Jayant Narlikar (IUCAA) - Collision in Space August 12 : Avyarthana Ghosh (IUCAA) - Story of a Star September 09 : Sudha Rajamani, Chaitanya Mungi (IISER, Pune) - Life on Earth: How did it come about?