Khagol _112 _October 2017

| KHAG L | No. 112 - OCTOBER 2017 | 12 MayukhPahari , who left IUCAAat the end of his term. Ravi Joshi , who also left IUCAAat the end of his term. Atreyee Sinha , who has joined the High Energy Division of the Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory, Paris, as a Post-doctoral Fellow. . . . Farewell to Proposals to conduct workshops/schools in Astronomy and Astrophysics or related areas are invited from university departments/affiliated colleges, and the same may be sent to the Administrative Officer, Core Programmes, IUCAA (e- mail: ). It is preferred that the proposals be sent by March 31, 2018 (for the events to be conducted during August 2018 - July 2019), so as to be included in theAcademic Calendar of IUCAA for the next academic year. However, in exceptional circumstances, the proposals may be forwarded to theAdministrativeOfficer at any time. The following details should be given while sending the proposals: (i) The title (topic), (ii) Duration of the workshop/school, (iii) Topics to be covered and number of lectures in each topic, (iv) The level of the audience and their number, (v) The number and tentative names of resource persons expected, (vi) Adescription of the facilities available, and (vii) The budget estimates (clearly stating the support offered by the host institute). It is generally expected that the infrastructural facilities and accommodation to the participants as well as the resource persons will be provided by the host institution. Other expenses will be borne by IUCAA. The proposers are encouraged to consult IUCAA faculty while framing the proposals. Once the workshop/school is approved, IUCAA will nominate a coordinator from its faculty, who will interact with the organiser in relation to the academic programme, budget, and identifying and approaching the resource persons. Preference will be given to those proposals where the expected resource persons are primarily from the host institution and/or fromthe nearby places. Proposals to Conduct Workshops / Schools Outside IUCAA IUCAA-NCRA Graduate School Courses The IUCAA-NCRA Graduate School (conducted jointly with the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), Pune) is divided into two semesters (four terms) spread over one year. Each term is of roughly eight weeks duration. During the Graduate School, the Ph.D. students (Research Scholars) are taught relevant advanced courses in Physics and are also introduced to courses in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A). The Graduate School structure is given below. The number of teaching hours is shown in brackets after each course. Semester I, TermI, FromAugust secondweek toOctober first week. 01. Methods ofMathematical Physics I (21) 02. Introduction toAstronomy andAstrophysics I (14) 03. Electrodynamics andRadiative Processes I (14) 04. Quantumand StatisticalMechanics I (14) Semester I, Term II, FromOctober third week to December second week. 05. Methods ofMathematical Physics II (14) 06. Introduction toAstronomy andAstrophysics II (14) 07. Electrodynamics andRadiative Processes II (14) 08. Quantumand StatisticalMechanics II (14) Semester II, Term I, From January first week to February fourth week. 09. Astronomical Techniques I (14) 10. Galaxies : Structure, Dynamics andEvolution (21) 11. ExtragalacticAstronomy I (21) Semester II, TermII, FromMarch thirdweek toMay secondweek. 12. Astronomical Techniques II (14) 13. InterstellarMedium(14) 14. ExtragalacticAstronomy II (14) 15. ProjectWork (DuringMay - July). 16. Topical Course (for earlier batch of students) (< 21)