Khagol _112 _October 2017

Rupak Roy, who has joined IUCAAas a Post-doctoral Fellow inAugust 2017. He has obtained B.Sc. degree (2002) in Physics from the University of Calcutta, Kolkata, and MSc. degree (2005) in Physics from the University of Delhi. He completed his Ph.D. from ARIES, Nainital in 2013, after which, he was in the University of Liege, Belgium, and the University of Stockholm, Sweden as a Post-doctoral Researcher. His research is mainly focused on the Cosmic Explosions like Supernovae, Tidal Disruption Events, Superluminous Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts. He also worked on the observational aspects of extremely energetic outflows fromAGNs and Radio Galaxies. In IUCAA, he will be involved in similar research work using different Indian astronomical facilities, likeAstroSat, 3.6mDOT, HCT, andGMRT, and also by using data fromother observatories throughout theworld. RUPAK ROY Kaushal Sharma, who has graduated in Physics (Honours) fromRamjas College, University of Delhi in 2008, and continued to pursue Master’s in Physics from the Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, after which, he joined the same department for his Ph.D. degree on stellar spectroscopy in October 2011. During his Ph. D., he primarilyworked on the parametrization of cool stars (late K andM type) and developed automated methods for their parameter estimation. He has joined IUCAAas the Raja Ramanna Research Associate, funded by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, in August, 2017. His research interests are Stellar Spectroscopy, Atmospheric Parametrization of Cool Stars, Properties of Exoplanet Host Stars, Machine/Deep LearningAlgorithms and their application to big-data. KAUSHAL SHARMA Priyanka Singh, who has joined IUCAA in September 2017 as a Post-doctoral Fellow. She has obtained B.Sc. degree (2010) fromtheUniversity of Rajasthan, Jaipur, M.Sc. degree (2012) fromtheUniversity of Delhi, andPh.D. (2017) from Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru. Her research interests include the role of Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) in galaxy evolution, cosmological tools to constrain the properties of the CGM, and X-rayAGNs, and has worked on forecasting the detectability of SZ/X-ray signals from the CGM with various ongoing and upcoming surveys such as SPT, DES, and eROSITA. PRIYANKA SINGH V. Sreenath, who has joined IUCAAas a Post-doctoral Fellow inAugust 2017. He has obtained B.Sc. (2006), andM. Sc. (2008) degrees from the University of Calicut, Kozhikode, and Ph.D. (2015) from the Indian Institute of TechnologyMadras, Chennai, after which, he joined the Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, as a Post- doctoral Fellow for 2 years. During his Ph.D., he had worked on the primordial non-Gaussianity generated in single field inflationary models. His work focused on studying generation and properties of inflationary three- point functions involving scalar and tensor perturbations in various inflationary models. As a Post-doctoral Fellow, he extended his domain of interests to include the generation of perturbations in alternatives/extensions to inflation, such as classical bouncing scenarios and Loop QuantumCosmology (LQC). Over the past two years, he has been studying the evolution of perturbation and its observational implications in anisotropic (Bianchi I) spacetime in the context of inflation and LQC. He is currently interested in exploring ways to constrain inflation, and other alternatives/extensions to inflation using data from the observations of cosmic microwave background and large scale structure. V. SREENATH | KHAG L | No. 112 - OCTOBER 2017 | 11