Khagol _112 _October 2017

Welcome to . . . Sreejit Jadhav, Uday Nakade, Abhishek Rajhans, and Prakash Tripathi, who have joined IUCAA as Research Scholars. Rahul Basu, who has joined IUCAA as the Vaidya-Raychaudhary Post-doctoral Fellow in August 2017. He has spent the previous three years working as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Zielona Gora in Poland. He has obtained Ph.D. degree from the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (NCRA-TIFR) in September 2014. His research focuses on extensive observations, as well asmodelling to understand themechanismof radio emission frompulsars. Yogesh Chandola, who has joined IUCAAas a Post-doctoral Fellow inAugust 2017. He obtained B.Sc. (2005), and M.Sc. (2007) degrees from the Kumaun University, Nainital. He completed Ph.D. from the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune in 2013, after which he joined the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, as a Post-doctoral Fellow. His area of expertise is mainly radio spectroscopy and imaging. During Ph.D. he worked on HI 21 cm absorption towards radio galaxies. His research interests also include AGNs, galaxy evolution, and dwarf galaxies. At IUCAA, he will workwithMeerKATAbsorption Line Survey (MALS) team lead byNeeraj Gupta andR. Srianand. RAHUL BASU YOGESH CHANDOLA Prakash Gaikwad, who has joined IUCAA as a Post-doctoral Fellow in August 2017. He has obtained B.Tech. degree (2009) in Production Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Pune, after which, he worked in John Deere Technology Centre, Pune for 2 years. Then he joined the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune, in August 2012, and completed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in July 2017. His research interests are Large Scale Structures, Cosmology, Intergalactic Medium, Quasar Absorption Spectra, Hydrodynamical Simulations, etc. PRAKASH GAIKWAD Jithesh V., who has obtained B.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Calicut, Kozhikode, and M.Sc. and M.Phil. degrees in Physics from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He joined the Department of Physics, University of Calicut in 2010 as a Research Scholar, and completed his Ph.D. thesiswork in 2014. His doctoral research is mainly focussed on the multi-wavelength studies of X-ray point sources in the nearby galaxies.After Ph.D., heworked as a Post-doctoral Fellowat ShanghaiAstronomical Observatory for three years and received the prestigious fellowship, “Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s International Fellowship Initiative (CAS PIFI)” for international scholars, In September 2017, he has joined IUCAA as a Post- doctoral Fellow, and areas of his current research are: Multi-wavelength studies of active galactic nuclei, Search of X-ray transients and its multi-wavelength counterpart studies, and Spectral and timing studies of ultra-luminous X-ray sources. JITHESH V. | KHAG L | No. 112 - OCTOBER 2017 | 10