MSV-2035 Astronomy Document - Inside Design - FINAL - FINAL
Astronomy & Astrophysics 79 instruments. In addition to the benefit for scientific pursuits, a telescope of this class will provide an excellent platform to test new instrument concepts that can help plan future generation science and instruments for theTMT. The design of the NLOT is based on segmentedmirror technology, very similar to that used in the Keck telescopes, and being used in the TMT and the European Large Telescope. Our participation in the TMT project is bringing into the country many of the critical technologies related to segmented mirror telescopes. The M1 mirror systems in TMT, MSE and the NLOT are all of similar dimensions. Hence, the experience gained through the TMT and MSE will be highly beneficial for the realisation of NLOT. Sufficient expertise already exists in the development of instruments for the existing 1-4-meter class telescopes. Additionally, we are gaining good experience in the design and build of backend instruments for large telescopes through our participation in the TMT project.All of these can be translated to building a 10-meter class segmented telescope with state-of-the-art, advanced-technology backend instruments within the country. Several industries in India are currently partneringwith scientific institutions towards participation in theTMT, SKAand LIGOprojects and these would be partners in the development of the NLOT. The build of a 10-meter class telescope within the country will not just enable effective use of the technical know-how gained by the R&D institutes and industry through our participation in the TMT, but also the development of additional state-of-the-art high-end technology in areas such as optics, civil, mechanical, electronics and software engineering. The presence of an Indian 10-meter class telescope would encourage and attract young talent within the country and help in further growth of the Indian astronomical community. More importantly, as a collateral benefit, the execution of such a large, technologically advanced project will benefit all of STEM. A national effort, the NLOT project is led by IIA with active participation from other institutions such as TIFR, IUCAA, ARIES, IITs, IISERs and universities that are involved in research in astronomy and astrophysics. Working towards the development of a detailed project report, efforts are on at IIA towards the generation of detailed science requirements, design and verification of the telescope optics design, concept design of the telescope structure and dome, and generation of requirements for instruments. 5.3.3 Network of Telescopes andDedicated Survey Facilities Worldwide, small telescopes (i.e typically 1-2-meter class telescopes) are increasingly being dedicated to undertake systematic surveys. These are either standalone facilities (such as the SDSS, PanSTARRS, ZTF, etc.), or a network of telescopes spread across the globe (such as ASAS-SN, MASTER, BOOTES etc.). In particular, such facilities have been very successful in carrying out wide field imaging surveys. Equipped with automated, pipeline data analysis software, these surveys are very efficient in rapid dissemination of discovery of new transients that enables quick follow-up studies. Additionally, such facilities are also set up for limited science use, such as for rapid response follow-up studies of new transients, survey of Near EarthObjects (NEOs) and space debris. With the increasing number of modern technology facilities globally, to remain competitive, it will be useful to explore the possibility of undertaking specific surveys using our existing facilities. Such dedicated surveys may need some very specific instrumentation and/or modifications to the existing telescopes. It is also important to design these surveys keeping in mind the various ongoing and/or proposed surveys by the international community (e.g. Gaia, Kepler, TESS). A well-planned survey will provide interesting targets for large facilities like TMT and SKA for MEGA SCIENCE VISION-2035
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