MSV-2035 Astronomy Document - Inside Design - FINAL - FINAL

Astronomy & Astrophysics 47 interaction between galaxies on star formation rate has also led to some very interesting results. Optical and radio observations have been used to measure the stellar and HI gas kinematics and rotation curves of normal and dwarf galaxies. Indian astronomers, either lead or co-investigate several key large survey projects being carried out using SKA pathfinders like MeerKAT (in South Africa) and ASKAP (in Australia). Several Indian astronomers are co- investigators in dedicated experiments like The Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment (HIRAX) and the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC). Data collected through these surveys will provide deep insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies over the past 3 billion years. 4.1.9 Large Scale Structure of the Universe Theoretical modelling of formation of galaxies requires a clear understanding of the connection with formation of the large scale structure and dark matter halos where conditions are appropriate for formation of stars and galaxies. This understanding has been developed using a mix of analytical models such as the “halo model” and the theory of mass Figure 5: AstroSat-FUV (UVIT) and JWST-IR (F770W) colour composite image of the Stephen's Quintet compact group of galaxies showing clumpy star-formation at the smallest scales. Figure credit: Joseph et al. 2022, RNAAS, 6, 180 MEGA SCIENCE VISION-2035