MSV-2035 Astronomy Document - Inside Design - FINAL - FINAL

cycle? How large-scale flows and AGN feedback influence star formation and evolution of galaxies? How do interactions of galaxies influence star formation? What are the processes responsible for quenching of star formation in galaxies? What is the influence of large-scale environment on galaxy properties? How different constituents of multi-phase interstellar medium (gas, dust, ionizing radiation field, magnetic field, cosmic rays and turbulence) evolve with cosmic time? What is the origin of multi-phased circumgalactic medium and what drives its time evolution? What is the origin and evolution of thermal state and metal content of the intergalactic medium? Can we account for all the metals and baryons produced in the Universe? Formation and evolution of galaxy groups and clusters? How does the large-scale structure of the Universe defined by gas and galaxies evolve? How important are large-scale filaments in the evolution of galaxies? Howwell does the large-scale distribution defined by galaxies trace the underlying darkmatter distribution? 2.4 NearbyGalaxies High spatial resolution studies of nearby galaxies (the low-mass end in particular) not only allow one to understand the local Universe in detail but also provide important insights into the nature of dark matter, cosmic reionization and galaxy formation across cosmic time. Systematic mapping of line of sight and transverse velocities of stars and spatially resolved gas kinematics in nearby dwarf galaxies allow us to directly probe the scales where dark matter interactions may play an important role. Spatially resolved measurements of star formation, stellar mass, chemical abundance pattern, distribution of supernova remnants and stellar and gas kinematics will have important implications on the star formation history of these galaxies. This information is very important for our understanding of galaxies in the distant Universe that have similar mass and chemical enrichment. Similarly, it is important to measure the mass of central black holes in active and normal galaxies using stellar kinematics and other probes. Binary neutron stars and binary black holes in the nearby galaxies are the main sources of gravitational waves (GW) that can be detected with the present-day GW detectors. Therefore, a complete accounting of different kinds of binaries in the local galaxies is also crucial. Important questions that remain to be addressed are: What is the density profile of dark matter halos in nearby dwarf galaxies? What are the abundance pattern and spatial distribution of satellite galaxies? What is the amplitude of dark matter density fluctuations at sub-galactic scales?What is the distribution function of SMBH in the local Universe?What kind of stellar populations dominate the lowmass metal poor galaxies?Are there dwarf galaxies devoid of any dark matter? What are the physical processes that lead to the dissociation of a dwarf galaxy from dark matter? 2.5 TheMilkyWayGalaxy Studies of our Milky Way (MW) Galaxy provides us with a close-up view of the interplay between cosmology, dark matter, galaxy formation and formation of stars and planets. The ongoing, planned and proposed astrometric, spectroscopic and photometric surveys will enable measuring three-dimensional positions and velocities, and chemical abundances for stars in the Galaxy as well as the galaxies in the Local group, leading to a multidimensional viewof our Galaxy. A systematic study of stellar motions and the composition of stars reveals the origin and evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy and its present structure. The Galaxy is broadly composed of three major components: disc, bulge and the halo. Stars are grouped into components based on their kinematic properties (U, V andW) and chemical composition.Apart from the three major components, the MilkyWay Galaxy is found to have many more small components in agreement Astronomy & Astrophysics 15 MEGA SCIENCE VISION-2035