MSV-2035 Astronomy Document - Inside Design - FINAL - FINAL

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) is set for a major revolution in the coming decades, thanks to international mega projects such as the recently launched JamesWebb Space Telescope (JWST), the futureVera Rubin Observatory's 8.4-meter Simonyi Survey Telescope, the extremely large telescopes such as the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), future Gravitational Wave detectors (LIGO A+, Einstein Telescope, LISA), etc., and the ever improving computational techniques and computing and storage facilities. Unlike in the past, today, the Indian astronomy community is poised to be an important part of the global advancements, through its participation in some of these projects. This, together with the planned national large facilities, upgrades and efficient management of existing facilities, will allow the Indian astronomers to address some of the outstanding questions in the areas of (i) fundamental physics, (ii) early Universe and cosmology, (iii) galaxy formation and large scale structure, (iv) nearby galaxies, (v) Milky Way galaxy and its interstellar medium, (vi) cosmic chemistry, (vii) compact objects and black holes, (viii) transient and time-domain multi-messenger astronomy, (ix) exo-planetary science and (x) solar physics. Some of the key science cases (not in any order of preference) highlighted by the community include: Evolution of fundamental physical constants. Validity of Einstein's theory of gravity in all conditions. Nature of dark energy and darkmatter. Creation and evolution of the earlyUniverse. Formation and evolution of galaxies and large scale distribution of matter. Super-massive black holes and their relationwith the host galaxy. Transients and time domain astronomy. Star and planet formation and chemodynamics of the Galaxy. Characteristics of exo-planets and search for bio-signatures. Solar activity and its impact on the space environments of solar systemplanets. A detailed account of various important science questions that remain unanswered is provided in this document. We provide information on how the international community is trying to address the fundamental questions in the field, the present status ofA&Aresearch in India and our own efforts to address these questions using national facilities and through participation in large international collaborations. We also provide recommendations for wider reach and growth of the community in the country. The A&A community in the country is on a rapid growth curve, with a significant growth in the past two and half decades. This includes growth in the number of astronomers in research institutes, as well as a gradual increase in the number of astronomers working in universities and other educational institutions. This has also led to a rapid increase • • • • • • • • • • Astronomy & Astrophysics 8 MEGA SCIENCE VISION-2035