MSV-2035 Astronomy Document - Inside Design - FINAL - FINAL

Astronomy & Astrophysics 127 Work Industry Remark PROJECT: LIGO-INDIA [NO. OF INDUSTRY PARTNERS: 5] LIGO Vacuum chamber prototyping 80K cryopump Beam tube Prototyping Vacuum System of 10-m prototype interferometer Optics for 10-m prototype interferometer VacuumTechniques Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru Aditya High Vacuum, Kathwada Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Ltd., Mumbai RANVAC Technologies, Bengaluru Light Guide Optics Pvt. Ltd., Indore Actual size BSC and HAM chambers used at LIGO were fabricated to demonstrate indigenous fabrication of these components. Prototype design and development for use in LIGO-India Vacuum system. Fabrication of 10-m beam tubes to establish the process of cleaning and vacuum leak testing of beam tube segments. Vacuum envelope for the 10-m arm length prototype at RRCAT to serve both as a training facility and testing facility for LIGO- India. Optics development for the 10-m arm length prototype at RRCAT. MEGA SCIENCE VISION-2035