MSV-2035 Astronomy Document - Inside Design - FINAL - FINAL
Astronomy & Astrophysics 109 Twenty-one years later a laboratory spectrum in gas phase at low temperature clearly secured the first identification of DIBs. Laboratory astrochemistry is not limited to spectroscopic confirmations. Experiments are also conducted to study chemical reactions and chemical evolution in shocks mimicking astrophysical conditions. In extreme vacuum like conditions of ISM, gas phase interaction for formation of molecules is rare. The abundance of hydrogen molecule can only be explained by considering grain surface reactions. Thus, laboratory studies of the effects of high energy radiation on the surface of minerals/dust grains gain significance. Astrochemistry provides the potential to elucidate the origin of biologically relevant molecules, their possible evolution in solar system like bodies and enables us to decipher the emergence of life on Earth. Laboratory astrochemistry helps address the photo-physics, chemistry and science of cosmic dust. For these complex experimental set-ups, sophisticated instrumentation is required to mimic astrophysical conditions. Concepts like cryogenic storage, synchrotron and free electron laser set-ups require multi-institutional efforts. Considering the scientific importance, efforts are required to foster initiatives in this area over a period of time. 9.5 QuantumEnhancedTechnology Several countries in the world, including India, are advancing on cutting-edge quantum enhanced technologies (QETs). India's National Quantum Mission's thrust is in the domains of Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, QuantumSensing&Metrology andQuantumMaterials &Devices. QET is already in use in A&A. Calibration of astronomically observed spectral lines with unprecedented accuracy is possible due to the availability of ultra-stable, sub-Hz line-width optical frequency combs. Termed as “astrocombs”, this technique is used for high-precision wavelength calibration that enables high-precision radial velocity measurements such as required for exoplanet studies. Atomic clocks are being used for time and phase synchronization of geographically distributed (locally and intercontinental) astronomical detectors (e.g. radio telescopes, OPTICON, VLBI, GW detectors). Squeezed light is being used in the Advanced LIGO detectors to reach noise levels below the standard quantum limit, enhancing their sensitivity. Developing a frequency-dependent squeezer for LIGO-India will lead to similar sensitivity improvements and will also help in maintaining the LIGO- India detector at the same sensitivity as the other two LIGO-USA interferometers to maximize the science outcome. As part of LIGO-India pre-project activities the technology for ultra-narrow linewidth laser systems has been developed, which is a key step towards the development of high-power squeezed light sources. Time and frequency transfer technology for precision time metrology was used in the Event Horizon Telescope for real-time imaging of the black hole in M87 and Milky Way galaxy, demonstrating the use of synthetic aperture imaging for radio frequencies. The use of quantum (optical) clocks will enable synthetic aperture telescope in the optical that will enable very high spatial resolution imaging. Theoretical and laboratory efforts are already on globally to study the use of the principle of quantum entanglement to share photons between observatories, leading to 'quantum telescopes'. In the future, highly-accurate electric-magnetic-RF sensors, gyroscopes, space-qualified optical clocks, single photon detectors and many more shall start a new era of precision-astronomy using quantum advantages of the devices. Quantum Computing is yet another QET that has promising applications in the areas of image processing of MEGA SCIENCE VISION-2035
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