MSV-2035 Astronomy Document - Inside Design - FINAL - FINAL

Astronomy & Astrophysics 100 Arecent analysis of contribution to research by DST-funded institutes shows that astronomy and astrophysics is one of the top three areas by number of research papers published in high-quality peer reviewed journals. The same report shows that two of the top five journals where Indian authors are cited the most are from this area. These numbers are from the Clarivate analysis of research publications fromDST institutes for the last decade (2010-2019). The number of authors who contribute papers in the annual meetings of theAstronomical Society of India has doubled in the last five years. This too indicates that the growth in the astronomy community is commensurate with the requirements of the mega projects like TMT, SKA, LIGO, etc. Eventually, we require an ecosystem where teaching and research in astronomy and related areas are practised in a large number of universities, colleges and institutions like NITs, IITs and IISERs so that the enthusiasm of students for these areas can be channeled to a career option. This can also help in ensuring a supply of well-trained students for the many cutting-edge programmes discussed in this document. The various facilities that have been developed and operated, the use of large databases andmodelling have all led to human resources trained in not just research in A&A, but also in other skill-sets such as in the areas of thin film coating on large optics, design and fabrication of high-precision opto-mechnical components, design and development of precision optics and control systems for telescopes and astronomical instruments. These skill sets can be utilised in other areas also. 8.1 Capacity Building Plans for the Future The total number of active professional astronomers in India (published at least one paper in the last two years) is more than 600. Of these, close to half are in astronomy research institutes like IIA, ARIES, PRL, IUCAA, NCRA-TIFR, while the others are in smaller departments in more general institutes like TIFR, IISc, RRI, IISERs, IITs, NISER, and Figure 12: Demography of participants at the 2023 annual meeting of theAstronomical Society of India. MEGA SCIENCE VISION-2035