Khagol Bulletin # 131

Colloquium 05.10.2023 AshutoshKotwal on Particlephysics:whatweknow, andwhatwedonotknow 23.11.2023 Venugopal Achanta on MetrologyandMetamaterials 02.11.2023 Hakan Andreasson on The weak cosmic censorship conjecture and the Hoop conjecture in the case of the axially symmetricEinstein-Vlasovsystem 09.11.2023 KailashSahu on SearchandDiscoveryof IsolatedStellarMassBlackHolesusingHST 21.12.2023K Rajibul Islamon HowtoBuildaQuantumComputer? Seminars (October 2022-September 2023) 26.10.2023 Kousik Sen on MassiveAlgolsaswhetstones forbinarystarevolutiontowardsGWsources 28.11.2023 Vivek KumarJha on UnveilingtheDiverseNatureof the InnerRegionsofAGNs throughVariability 07.11.2023 Andrés Gúrpide on Understanding super-Eddington accretion onto Ultraluminous X-ray sources through Integral-FieldUnit spectroscopy 30.11.2023 OttoHannuksela on Exploringgravitational-wavelensing 12.10.2023 Nikhil Mukund on EnablingGravitationalWaveDiscoveries intheEraofAI 16.11.2023 JavedRana on TheGravitational-waveOpticalTransientObserver(GOTO) 07.12.2023 Arghyadeep Basu on Decoding Reionization: Unraveling Impacts of Ionizing Sources through Cosmological R T Simulations 14.12.2023 Mukesh Vyas on Theoryof photonscattering inshearingplasma: Anovelmethod toproducepower-lawspectraat hig h energies 19.12.2023 Kabir Chakrabarti on Theriseandthefall ofAreaQuantisedBlackHoles Activities undertaken by the Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) Center India Objective: To Professionalise astronomy education The Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) Center India funded the International Astronomical Union's teacher training program (TTP) selected as part of the OAE TTP 2023 on 01 and 02 December 2023 organised by the IUCAA Associate Suchetana Chatterjee together with a school teacher and a college teacher i n Ko l k a t a . Twe n t y - t wo t e a c h e r s attended the workshop. The workshop included a panel discussion on modern Objective: Provide access to good resources pedagogical techniques, a talk on current developments in Astronomy, and the usage of modern astronomy software tools, followed by a telescope observing session. ResourceTranslations OAE Cent e r I nd i a coord i na t ed the completion of the Hindi translations of the Big Ideas in Astronomy book, which focuses on astronomy literacy for all and is Newresources working on the Marathi and Malayalam translations next. The OAE Center India has finished comp i l i ng a book l e t o f pos i t i ona l astronomy-related articles from an HBCSE magazine, 'Anandi', in the local vernacular language, Marathi. The booklet contains short science articles catered to students' a c a d em i c a n d emo t i o n a l n e e d s , introducing science topics through creative stories. These were thoroughly | 20 | KHAG L | No. 131 - JANUARY 2024