Khagol Bulletin # 131

Tutor: Jens-Kristian Krogager (CRAL, Lyon, France) Introduction to ALMA interferometry and molecularlines H. P. Singh (University of Delhi, Delhi, India) Stellarspectral libraries Matt Lehnert ((CRAL, Lyon, France) - virtual Projects: Galaxydynamicswith IFUdata Group A: Hunting for faint and distant galaxies in near-infrared observations by VLT/SINFONI. Johan Richard (CRAL, Lyon, France) - Virtual Integral FieldSpectroscopy-MUSE Kanak Saha (IUCAA, Pune, India) Tutor: Olivier Flasseur (CRAL, Lyon, France) Group C: Exploring the circumstellar environment by direct imaging at high contrast in VLT/SPHERE-IFS4Ddata cubes Tutor: Kanak Saha (IUCAA, Pune, India) Group E: Pattern speed measurement in galaxies using IFUdata Tutor : RanjanGupta (IUCAA, Pune, India) Group D: Classification of Stellar Spectra using AutomatedTools Group B: Revealing the kinematics of galaxies using VLT/MUSE data Tutor: Nicolas Bouché (CRAL, Lyon, France) The IFAS school has now achieved a reputation, and the organisation is running smoothly. On the last day of the school, a live feedback session was held in the presence of IUCAA director Raghunathan Srianand, CRAL director Matthew Lehnert, and other lecturers and participants. Most studentswere happy learning in the school, and some even continued the project work after school. The feedback from this session will be utilised to improve the next IFAS school, i.e., IFAS9, the 9th in the series to be held at Lyon, France, from 04 - 11 October 2024. The school was organised by Kanak Saha, IUCAA, Pune. Radio Astronomy Winter School 2023 IUCAA and NCRA–TIFR jointly organised the 16th Radio AstronomyWinter School 2023 ( RAWS2023 ) f r om 12 t h t o 22nd December 2023. In its present format, RAWS invites student participants and college and university faculty members to mentor the student groups formed for the school's activities. This year, 24 student participants and seven faculty mentors participated in the programme. The lecture sessions started with an introduction to the radio Universe and prospects, followed by single-dish radio telescopes and radio interferometry. The later lecture sessions covered radiative processes, error analysis, positional astronomy, solar radio astronomy, Aditya L1 and beyond, pulsars, millisecond pulsars and gravitational waves, radio transients, our Galaxy and its constituents, gas in galaxies, radio emission from galaxies and cosmology and its present status, and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and highlights of recent results. The main emphasis of RAWS is on hands- on radio astronomy-related experiments. The participants worked in groups with their faculty mentors on experiments characterising detector noise, gain, and directionality and worked on a super- he t erodyne rece i ver sys t em. They determined the transmission cable characteristics and used a horn antenna to observe the 21-cm Hydrogen emission to obtain Galaxy rotation curves. A school highlight was a day trip to the GMRT, where the participants got a guided tour of the observatory's design and functioning by Kausha l Buch , Shubendu Joa rde r, Subhashis Roy and Dhruba J Saikia. On the final day, the student groups presented one of their chosen experiments and competed in a game-style quiz on the topics taught in | 10 | KHAG L | No. 131 - JANUARY 2024