Khagol # 130 - Jan - Jul 2023 - Eng & Hindi

Anne Verhamme, Geneva, Switzerland • I n t r o d u c t i o n t o I n t e g r a l F i e l d Spectroscopy A. N. Ramaprakash, IUCAA, Pune, India • UV imaging and spectroscopy of star- forming galaxies Kanak Saha, IUCAA, Pune, India GroupB : Chemi ca l compos i t i on o f neutral gas in a distant galaxy - Tutor: Jens-Kristian Krogager (CRAL, Lyon, France) Projects: GroupA : Stellar Spectral Classification and Interpolation - Tutor: RanjanGupta (IUCAA, India) GroupD : Modelling a Lyman continuum leaker at z~1 from AstroSat - Tutor: Kanak Saha (IUCAA, India) Special assistance: Manish Kataria, ChayanMondal (IUCAA) GroupC : De t e rmi na t i on o f s t e l l a r atmospheric parameters of globular cluster stars from MUSE observation - Tutor: Philippe Prugniel (CRAL, Lyon, France); online The IFAS school series has achieved a high reputation due to its smooth running and quality of the lectures and projects initiated. On the last day of the school, a live feedback session was held in the presence of Professor Somak Raychaudhury, Director, IUCAA and Professor Matthew Lehnert, Director, CRAL Professor Philippe Prugniel, CRAL, the previous IFAS School Coordinator and Professor Ranjan Gupta, IUCAA. Most students found the school f r u i t f u l a n d we r e h a p p y w i t h i t s organisation; some even continued the project work after the School concluded. The IFAS7 feedback will help the organisers improve the IFAS8 School at IUCAA, Pune, from November 6-12, 2023. The School was organised by Kanak Saha, IUCAA, Pune. A one-and-a-half-day brainstorming meeting was held at IUCAA, Pune, during December 01-02, 2022. The meeting was by invitation only. Twenty participants were invited to the meeting. The theoretical formulation of our “known” science uses a set of invariant quantities commonly known as the fundamental physical constants, which are subdivided into several categories such as universal, electromagnetic, atomic & nuclear, physicochemical, astronomical, and so on. Fundamentally, there is no reason for the existence of these invariant quantities and for them to be constants. However, due to their appearance in the theoretical models, which largely explain our known particle- material behaviour, highly accurate measurement of these constants is Constancy of the fundamental “constants?” requ i red to measure any phys i ca l quantities and maintain a global standard. For this, the international CODATA task group periodically provides self-consistent values of the fundamental physical constant. It is crucial to investigate whether the known particle-material characteristics we know have evolved since the start of our universe. Therefore, the constancy of the fundamental constants on different scales, e.g., temporal, spatial, and energy, is essential to investigate. For that, the fine structure constants electron-to-proton mass ratio are some of the potential candidates whose constancy can be accurately investigated using the presently available technologies. So far, physicists have followed different routes to measure the constancy of the fundamental constants. Some examples are the investigation of absorption spectra of quasars, anomalies in radioactive isotope abundance in natural nuclear reactors, ultra-high precision laser spectroscopy of some unique atomic systems, comparing atomic clocks to unprecedented accuracies, and so on. Each of these different routes has its own challenges and instrumental complexity, but all have a common goal to measure the constancy of the fundamental constants. On the other hand, theoretical support for reliable and accurate calculation of the relevant atomic properties plays an essential role in all these measurement routes. In India, although scientific communities work individually on quasar spectra, precision spectroscopy, atomic clocks, and associated theory, no platform brings them under one umbrella. This meeting, the first of its kind, has brought several Indian scientists working in different fields of physical sciences to brainstorm on their common science goals. New ideas have nucleated from this meeting, particularly the exchange of knowledge between the theorists and experimentalist/ observational groups, and inter-field collaboration has opened up new possibilities to start complex e x p e r i me n t s a n d n e w s c i e n t i f i c endeavours, such as writing joint proposals to explore these topics. The meeting was organised by Subhadeep De and Sowgat Muzahid. | 08 | KHAG L | No. 130 - JANUARY, APRIL & JULY 2023