Khagol # 130 - Jan - Jul 2023 - Eng & Hindi

Northeast Meet of Astronomers (NEMA-VIII) The eighth edition of Northeast Meet of Astronomers (NEMA -VIII) was held at the Department of Physics, Manipur University, from 21 to 23 November 2022 under the aegis of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune. The NEMA-VIII conference aimed to bring together young and highly motivated students, researchers, and college and university teachers of the North-East region, working or intending to take up research in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics and related topics on a single platform to simulate discussions and collaborations. NEMA has been a regular annual IUCAA, Pune event since it was first launched at the Department of Physics, Tezpur University, from 26 to 28 October 2015. The 3-day NEMA-VIII conference started at 10:00 AM on 21 November 2022 with a brief inaugural function in which Professor K. Yugindro Singh, Dean, School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Ma n i pu r Un i v e r s i t y, P r o f e s s o r H . Basantakumar Sharma, Head, Department of Physics, Manipur University and Prof. Ng. I b o h a l ( R e t i r e d ) , D e p a r tme n t o f Mathematics, Manipur University were present on the dais as the Chief Guest, President, Guest of Honour respectively. Senior Professor Ranjeev Misra of IUCAA, Pune, the IUCAA coordinator, attended the conference through video conferencing. In the inaugural function, Prof. Ng. Ibohal Singh, who had long been associated with IUCAA, was felicitated in appreciation of his Delegates from various leading academic institutions of North-East India, including Indian Institute of Technology (Guwahati), Gauhati University, Tezpur University, Assam University, Mizoram University, Manipur University, Bhattadev University, Assam Don Bosco University, University of Science & Technology (Meghalaya), Science College (Kokrajhar), St. Edmond's College (Shillong), Dhanamanjuri College of Science (Imphal) attended the NEMA-VIII conference. great contributions toGeneral Relativity. The NEMA-VIII conference had five technical sessions comprising thirty-eight talks delivered by faculty members and research scholars fromvarious institutions of Northeast states. A wide range of topics covering planetary science, solar physics, astronomical observations and data analysis, high-energy astrophysics, genera l re l at i v i t y, as t ronomy, and cosmology were deliberated on in the conference. At the end of the conference, a sightseeing tour of the picturesque Moirang and Loktak Lake took place. Professor K. Yugindro Singh, Department of Physics, Manipur University and Dr I. AbluMeitei, Department of Physics, D.M. College of Science, were the local Convenor and Co-Convenor of the NEMA-VIII, respectively. The Manipur University provided the necessary institutional support, including financial assistance to make the event of NEMA-VIII a grand success. Professor Ranjeev Misra conducted a f e e d b a c k s e s s i o n t h r o u g h v i d e o rd conferencing at the end of the 3 Technical Session of NEMA-VIII, and the venue of the next edition of NEMA, i.e. NEMA-IX, was decided to be held at Mizoram University. The conference ended with a valedictory function in the presence of Professor K. Yu g i nd r o S i ngh , De a n , S c h o o l o f Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Manipur University and Professor H. Basantakumar Sharma, Head, Department of Physics, Manipur University. Na t i on a l Semi n a r on Ge n e r a l RelativityandAstronomy A one-day National Seminar on General Relativity and Astronomy was organised by the IUCAA Centre of Astronomy Research and Development (ICARD) at the Physics Department, North Bengal University (NBU) on 21 November 2022. Invited talks were delivered by eminent relativists and astronomers, namely, ' Fundamental Forces and their Dynamics ' by Professor Naresh Dadhich, IUCAA, Pune, ' Ripples in Space-Time ' by Professor Sanjeev Dhurandhar, IUCAA, Pune, and ' Probing the 3D structure of galactic dust and magnetic | 15 | KHAG L | No. 130 - JANUARY, APRIL & JULY 2023