Khagol # 130 - Jan - Jul 2023 - Eng & Hindi

On the first day, lectures covered the basic principles of antennas, radio astronomy, receiver chain, and observations using the horn antenna and HI observations of the Milky Way galaxy. On the second day participants assembled the horn antenna and tested the receiver chain in the ACE A workshop on fabricating a horn antenna was organised for teachers by ACE IUCAA from 03 to 06 April 2023. The resource persons were Avinash Deshpande (IUCAA), Prakash Arumugasamy (IUCAA), Jameer Manur (IUCAA), Ashish Mhaske (IUCAA), Dhruba J Saikia (IUCAA), Neeraj Gupta (IUCAA), Ruta Kale (NCRA), and Bhal ChandraJoshi (NCRA). HornAntennaWorkshop An introductory course on astronomy and astrophysics for college teachers in collaboration with the IUCAA Centre for Astronomy Research and Development at the Central University of Himachal Pradesh started on 22 March 2023. The resource persons were Sarita Vig (IIST Trivandrum), Dhruba J Saikia and Prakash Arumugasamy (both from IUCAA), Hum Chand (Central University of Himachal Pradesh), and Jasjeet S Bagla (IISER Mohali) who covered different aspects of astronomy and astrophysics. The emphasiswas on facultymembers from the Shivalik region to enable them to learn and teach astronomy and astrophysics as an elective paper. The coursewas coordinated by HumChand alongwith the ACE IUCAATeam. IntroductoryCourseonAstronomyandAstrophysics forCollegeTeachers exploring the Universe; Prakash Arumugasamy (IUCAA), who enlightened them on the exciting area of exoplanets, Chaitanya Mungi (IISER Pune) who gave them a glimpse of astrobiology exploring the chemical origins of life, and Dhruba J Saikia (IUCAA) who spoke on the importance of building inclusive societies, taking examples from the history of astronomy. In addition, there were sky- watching and bird-watching sessions led by R. V. Hippargi, Vice-Principal of Walchand College, who also gave a talk on av i an eco l ogy and d i ve r s i t y f rom e nd ang e r e d s emi - a r i d g r a s s l and ecosystems. Apurve Barve and Harshada Babrekar from MSFDA and Pandurang Barkale from RUSA Mumbai coordinated the event along with ACE IUCAA Team, actively supported by Santosh Koti, Principal, Walchand College, Archana Injal and her teamfromWalchandCollege. • Assembling the pre-fabricated parts of the horn antenna and its receiver chain; • Observing neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) in emission fromthe Galactic plane, • Analyzing the data to obtain the Galactic rotation curve. Astro Lab. On the third day, participants took observations of the HI line of the Milky Way galaxy using the horn antenna they had assembled and installed the software required for the observations and analyses. Semi-informal discussion sessions with experts on the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and radio astronomy techniques and instrumentation followed these. There were 12 participants from different parts of the country who worked together in groups, actively interacting and learning. The participants presented their analysis and results and shared their experiences in a follow-up presentation session held after the workshop on 3rd June 2023. The ACE IUCAA Team coordinated the Horn Antenna Workshop. The workshop's hands-on activities included: Refresher Course on Astronomy and Astrophysics The Refresher Course on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2023 was held online from th the 15th of May to the 16 of June. It was held concurrently with the Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics offline. | 12 | KHAG L | No. 130 - JANUARY, APRIL & JULY 2023