Khagol # 130 - Jan - Jul 2023 - Eng & Hindi

A national workshop on Galactic inflows and outflows on all Scales (GALFLOWS 2023) was jointly organised by IUCAA and NCRA, at IUCAA from 02 - 05 February 2023. The workshop brought together researchers in Indiaworking on gas flows in and around galaxies on varying spatial scales. The workshop, a first of its kind on this astrophysics theme in India, was attended by more than 60 participants, with about 40 contributed talks and 17 i nv i t ed speake r s . The r ev i ew and contributed talks highlighted the current research trends in the national and international arena, both in observational and theoretical topics, and highlighted the National Workshop on Galactic inflows and outflows on all Scales (GALFLOWS) pathways to follow in future given upcoming international projects. The workshop was coordinated byDipanjanMukherjee andSowgat Muzahid. The Introductory Summer School in Astronomy & Astrophysics (ISSAA) is an annual IUCAA event that introduces senior undergraduate and postgraduate students to the exciting fields of astronomy and astrophysics. The school consisted of lectures covering the fundamentals and latest advancements in astronomy and astrophysics. The speakers generally comprise IUCAA researchers and visiting scientists and may include those from other research institutes. ISSAA 2023 was conducted at IUCAA from 15 May to 16 June 2023.The advertisement to apply for the program was released in the last week of January 2023, with the last date to apply set as February 28, 2023. Out of 1500 applications from across the country, twenty-four students accepted the offer to attend, of which sixteen were female. During school, the morning sessions were devoted to lectures covering various aspects of astronomy and Introductory Summer School in Astronomy & Astrophysics 2023 astrophysics. The afternoon sessions, on the other hand, primarily comprised hands-on sessions involving astronomical data reduction, tutorials, and projects. The emphasis was also given to highlighting academic activities conducted at IUCAA. This included a visit to IUCAA's Teaching Learning Centre (TLC). The school participants were provided with first-hand experience with various experiments and demonstrations prepared by TLC staff to expand the astronomical horizon in Indian universities. IUCAA's science popularisation team also gave the students a flavour of telescope-making and various astronomical tools, e.g., sundials, prepared using daily-life items. The students also enthusiastically participated in the sky watch session hosted by science popularisation team members. The evening sessions on all Fridays were dedicated to special lectures on India's participation in mega-projects. This included lectures onThirtyMeter Telescope (by Prof. Ramprakash, IUCAA), LIGO-India (by Prof. Sanjit Mitra, IUCAA), Aditya-L1 (by Prof. Durgesh Tripathi, IUCAA), and Square Kilometer Array (by Prof. Yashwant Gupta, NCRA). The summer school participants visited the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT, operated by NCRA) on 27 May 2023. The experts from the GMRT operations team elaborated on the facility's functioning. Also, they provided students with a first-hand experience of astronomical observations in the GMRT control room. They also clarified all the doubts and queries from visiting students, making the GMRT visit a fruitful summer school activity. On the last day of summer school, the ISSAA 2023 coordinator, Prof. Vaidehi S. Paliya, collected feedback from all students and distributed the participation certificates. Almost all participants provided feedback that they would like to pursue a career in astronomy. A dedicated session on “Career Prospects in Astronomy” was conducted in the last week of ISSAA 2023 to answer some of the most common questions asked by students, such as ' How to make a career in astronomy? ' Theory versus Observations ', and ' Why Astronomy? '. Prof. Ajit Kembhavi (IUCAA) and Prof. Ranjeev Misra (IUCAA) answered the students' queries and shared their life experiences with them, which participants greatly appreciated. | 10 | KHAG L | No. 130 - JANUARY, APRIL & JULY 2023