Khagol Bulletin # 132 (Apr 2024) - ENG

| 15 | KHAG L | No. 132 - APRIL 2024 resource persons, the participants were given hands-on training on the Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) data analysis at the computer centre at Tezpur University. There was also a skywatching programme on the second day of the workshop at the Tezpur University Observatory, which Dr. Kishor Kumar Baruah (Tezpur University) facilitated. The main aim of this workshop was to foster an interest in the ongoing research activities in Solar Physics in the country, mainly the research planned using SUIT mounted on the ADITYA-L1. Professor Durgesh Tripathi spoke on the genesis of the Aditya mission, basics of Solar Physics, Solar atmosphere and features, Lagrange Points, the significance of L1, motivation for proposing SUIT, science goals of SUIT and the future scope of solar physics with SUITdata. Professor A.N.Ramaprakash spoke on meeting science goals with instrument design, the spirit of instrumentation, Challenges in SUIT design with emphasis on rigidity, lightweight, reliability, challenges in SUIT realisation, contamination control, handling, UV hazards, Ozone build-up hazards, SUIT subsystems, Flight to L1, Challenges and solutions of contamination due to thruster ejecta and depressurisation during lift-off. Dr Sreejith Padinhatteeri spoke on On-board intelligence of SUIT, Imaging cadence and SUIT features, what makes Aditya an 'Observatory Class' mission, c o o r d i n a t e d s c i e n c e o f S U I T with other Aditya payloads, data access and proposal submission. Mr. Janmejoy Sarkar spoke about the realisation of SUIT, optical alignment, filter characterisation, c on t ami na t i on c on t r o l , t he ne ed f o r qualification tests, vibration and TVAC, satellite integration, satellite orientation, image reduction, and flat fielding. Mr.Soumya Roy spoke on identifying different solar features, identifying flares, basics of solar flares, Solar flare observation, how SUIT complements existing flare observations, co-observation with SUIT and other instruments and combined science scope. The rest of the resource persons also gave similar talks related to instrumentation and solar physics. During the inaugural session of the workshop, Tezpur University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Shambhu Nath Singh, lauded the Department of Physics, Tezpur University, for taking the initiative and holding a workshop related to the ADITYA L1 mission in the north-east for the first time. Several students engaged in immersive discussions with the resource persons. Many students came forward and mentioned that the hands-on session had been instrumental in giving them working knowledge to carry out preliminary image analysis, which would be very useful for their PhD and projects. Overall, the participants enjoyed every moment of the workshop, which was held on the beautiful campus of Tezpur University, and finally, everybody agreed that the workshop was a grand success. The workshop was organised by Gazi Ameen Ahmed, Tezpur University, in coordination with Janmejoy Sarkar, IUCAA & Tezpur University andDurgeshTripathi, IUCAA. Workshop on Formation and Evolution of Galaxies Prof. Jasjeet S. Bagla, IISER Mohali delivered the The inaugural sessionwas presided over by Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Central University of Haryana. In the inaugural address the Vice Chancellor encouraged the students to participate in exploring the new horizons within the realms of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Prof. T.R. Seshadri, Delhi University delivered the inaugural lecture of the workshop on 'Physics of Early Universe andSeeds for Galaxy Formation'. A Workshop on Formation and Evolution of Galaxies was held from 18 to 20 March 2024 at t h e C e n t r a l U n i v e r s i t y o f H a r y a n a , Mahendragarh. Sixty participants including masters and research scholars from different universities participated in theworkshop. afternoon lecture on N-Body simulation. The lecture was follwed by a hands on session on running N-body simulations for dark matter particles. On the second day there were talks and hands on session on the impact of galaxy evolution on statistics of large-scale structure. Prof. Aseem Paranjape, IUCAA was the invited speaker and coordinated the hands on session on ha l o fo rma t i on mode l s i n N-Body simulations. The students enthusiastically participated in the discussions and the computer related activities related to formation and evolution of galaxies. On the third day, Prof. Dipanjan Mukherjee, IUCAA delivered a lecture on AGN feedback processes in galaxy formation and evolution and Prof. Smriti Mahajan, IISER Mohali delivered a lecture on Dwarf and giant galaxies. In the afternoon the students participated in the hands on session on different properties of galaxies. The workshop was coordinated by Jaswant Yadav, CUH, and AseemParanjape, IUCAA. The concluding session of the workshop was graced by several dignitaries of the university where the local coordinator proposed a vote of thanks to IUCAA for the financial support for the workshop and to the local university administration for the logistical support. The workshop was covered by different local newspapers in hindi aswell as English.