Khagol Bulletin # 132 (Apr 2024) - ENG

| 14 | KHAG L | No. 132 - APRIL 2024 expressed heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Ranjeev Misra, IUCAA, for sponsoring this conference and also thanked all the distinguished guests, i n v i t e d s p e a k e r s , p a p e r p r e s e n t e r s , participants, and everyone involved in organising the conference. Their collective efforts were instrumental in making the conference a resounding success, setting the stage for insightful discussions and fruitful collaborations in Relativistic Astrophysics & Cosmology. Prof. Bikash Chandra Paul, Department of Physics, and Coordinator, ICARD, University of North Bengal, delivered the conference's keynote address. His address titled “Cosmology: Status report theory and observation” was delivered with eloquence and scholarly insight, captivating the audience and sparking heightened interest in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology. He also emphasised the importance of conferences like this in providing youngminds early exposure to the field. Prof. Farook Rahaman and Dr. Surhud More chaired the first technical session of the conference. Dr More delivered a brilliant talk in the online session on "Subaru Hyper Suprime Cam Survey Report: Cosmological constraints from weak lensing observations," focusing on detecting darkmatter using various techniques. The talk was followed by another interesting online talk by Prof. Megandhren Govender from Durban University of Technology, South Africa, on "A brief history of radiating stars". Both the talks generated enthusiasm among the audience, evident from the wide range of questions and queries. Prof. F. Rahaman thanked the speakers for their talks, and then the session was followed by a lunch break. Professor B. C. Paul chaired the post-lunch technical session, where four papers were presented in an hour. After the tea break, the final technical session of the day was chaired by Prof. Prabir Kr Haldar. In this session, four papers were presented by scholars from different parts of the country. The second day of the conference was conducted by Dr Siddarth Rai, Assistant Professor and Sri Bishnu Bhowmik, SACT of the Department of Physics. The programbeganwith the invited talks of eminent speakers and the session chaired by Prof. Biplab Raychaudhuri. Professor Farook Rahaman gave an intriguing talk on "Black Hole: A General Perspective", In the evening, a cultural program was held at the Durga Kinkar Sadan of Malda College, anchored by Dr. Uttam Kr Sarka, Department of Physics, to refresh the participants. Solo and group songs, as well as dances, were performed by various artists. A typical folk song and dance performance, "Gombhira", as a cultural signature of the local area of Malda town, captivated the audience with its unique, humorous, yet subtle and relevant socio- cultural state of affairs of the present society. A brainstorming session for an hour was scheduled after the technical session -III as an open forum to discuss the queries and questions from the participants with the eminent speakers. Every participant of the conference enjoyed this session. The poster sessionwas held after the last technical session of the day, where scholars presented eight posters on awide range of topics. arousing deep curiosity among students and the audience. The second talk, "Gravitational Singularities and their Possible Resolutions", was given by Prof. Andrew DeBenedecits from Simon Fraser University, Canada (online). Prof. Farook Rahaman chaired the post-tea break invited talk session. In this session, Prof. Biplab Ray Chowdhuri gave an engaging talk on "Dim light falls on this part of relativity". After that, Prof. Mehedi Kalam presented his talk on "Gravitational Lensing: Application to General Relativity," followed by a talk on "Gravitational decoupling approach in GR and modified gravity Theories" given by Prof. S. K. Maurya from the University of Nizwa, Oman (online). The final technical session of the conference was chaired by Professor Mehedi Kalam, where scholars presented seven papers on a wide range of topics. At the end of the conference, the valedictory session was conducted by Dr Uttam Kr Sarkar. This session was marked by the presence of the Principal of Malda College and the invited speakers at the conference. The participants expressed their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the meeting organisers. Dr. Shyam Das, Convenor of the conference, expressed sincere gratitude to the Principal, Malda College, invited speakers, participants, students, and others for their support at various stages from the commencement to the conclusion of the Conference. The conference was organised by Shyam Das (Malda College) andRanjeevMisra (IUCAA). Workshop on SUIT Science and Data Analysis The Department of Physics, Tezpur University, in collaboration with IUCAA, Pune, conducted a two-day workshop entitled ADITYA-L1: Workshop on SUIT Science and Data Analysis from 6-7 March 2024. There were fifty-three participants; eighteen were fromdifferent parts of Assam, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Orissa, and Uttar Pradesh, and thirty-five were from Tezpur University. The convenor of the workshop was Professor Gazi Ameen Ahmed (Tezpur University), and the resource persons were Professor A.N.Ramaprakash (IUCAA), Professor Durgesh Tripathi (IUCAA), Mr Janmejoy Sarkar (IUCAA, TU), Mr Soumya Roy (IUCAA), Dr Sreejith Padinhatteeri (MAHE, Manipal), Dr Aishawnnya Sharma (Bahona College, Jorhat, Assam), Professor Pralay Kumar Karmakar (Tezpur University), Dr. Rupjyoti Gogoi (Tezpur University) and Dr. Moonmoon Devi (Tezpur University). Over and above the talks by the