Khagol Bulletin # 132 (Apr 2024) - ENG

| 11 | KHAG L | No. 132 - APRIL 2024 p h e n ome n a , a n d c omp l eme n t i n g observations from larger facilities. By leveraging the capabilities of 1-2m telescopes alongside other observing archival data. Despite their relatively modest aperture size, these telescopes offer valuable opportunities for studying various galactic and extrag-galactic resources, researchers can continue to unravel the mysteries surrounding our Universe and deepen our understanding of these enigmatic cosmic entities. Professor Hum Chand is an IUCAA Associate who works on various observational aspects of AGNs and quasars absorption lines. His present research group at the Central University of HP (CUHP) consists of one National Post- Doctoral fellowand five PhDstudents. Events at IUCAA Pune-Mumbai Cosmology Meeting at IUCAA A two-day meeting, 'Pune-Mumbai Cosmology Meeting,' was held at IUCAA, Pune, on February 23 and 24, 2024, that brought together scientists working in theoretical, numerical and observational aspects of cosmology from the PuneMumbai region. The meeting was attended by fifty participants, including students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty from IUCAA, IISER Pune, TIFR, and IIT Bombay. The students and postdoctoral scholars were given an opportunity to introduce their work to a broader cosmology audience and to help foster collaborations. The topics included cosmic reionization, 21 cm cosmology, Lyman alpha forest, primordial black holes, and large scale structure, amongst others. The final afternoon of the meeting was devoted to the discussion of new ideas and The next iteration of the meeting is expected to be held at the TIFR. The meeting was coordinated by Surhud More and Aseem Paranjape. proposals in several breakout sessions. The summary of the breakout session was summarised to the entire group at the end of the workshop, and future plans were chalked out to continue these collaborative discussions. Teacher Training Workshop, Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) Center, India