IUCAA Brochure 2024

IGO has a 2-meter optical telescope with a workhorse imaging spectrometer, the IUCAA Faint Object Spectrometer and Camera (IFOSC). This instrument has the capability for imaging in various bands (U, B, V, R, I etc with band-pass filters) and also performs spectroscopy in these bands. It has a CCD with 2048X2048 pixels with 13.5µ size each. Further it can also do polarimetric and spectro-polarimetric measurements in these optical bands. This instrument is placed at the Cassegrain focus and renders a field-of- viewof about 11 square arc-min in the sky. IUCAAGirawali Observatory (IGO) Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) SALT is the largest multi-mirror telescope operating in the southern hemisphere with an effective primary mirror size of ~12meters, located in Sutherland, South Africa. It is currently funded by a consortium of international partners including IUCAA and other partners from South Africa, the United States, Poland and the United Kingdom and has been in full science operation since 2011. IUCAA’s share in SALT partnership corresponds to an observing time of about 180 hrs per year. The