IUCAA Brochure 2024

University Programmes Along with this IUCAA also sponsors about 8-10 workshops and conferences hosted by IUCAA Associates in their respective Universities / Institutes. In An important component of IUCAA's academic activities is the Associateship Programme, under which a faculty member of an Indian university or a postgraduate department in a college can visit IUCAA for periods of short and long durations over a span of three years, to develop his or her interest and expertise in astronomy and astrophysics. The Associateship Programme has been designed to promote mobility and, to this end, the travel and local living expenses of an associate for these visits is borne by IUCAA. Through its Teaching Learning Centre, IUCAA conducts a Refresher Course in Astronomy and Astrophysics for teachers at Indian universities during the summer break. The course is held in person at IUCAA every alternate year with topics including observational and theoretical aspects of astronomy and state-of-the-art methods of data analysis. particular, the series of North East Meeting of Astronomers (NEMA) and Regional Astronomy Meeting (RAM) in South India have been consistently successful in generating great interest among University faculty and students who did not have this exposure before. National distribution of IUCAA Associates