IUCAA Brochure 2024

Cosmology & Matter distribution in the Universe An international team of scientists led by IUCAA, measured the shapes ofmore than 25million galaxies to map out the matter distribution in the Universe. Their headline result published in a series of 5 papers states that the measured clumpiness of the matter distribution today is lower than that expected from the standard cosmological model. This difference in the expected and observed clumpiness may indicate a deficit in our understanding of the Universe. The scientists used the Subaru telescope in Hawaii to image a part of the sky as large as that would fit with an Research at IUCAA in Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure explores a number of areas using both observational and theoretical techniques, ranging from fundamental questions such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy — including standard and a l t e r n a t e c o smo l o g i c a l mo d e l s — t o t h e phenomenology and physics of the CosmicWeb. outstretched hand in unprecedented detail. The light coming from the galaxies, some as far as 9 billion years away, gets bent due to gravitational lensing caused by the matter distribution between themand us, distorting the shapes of these galaxies. By carefully studying how the shapes of neighbouring galaxies are distorted in a coherent manner, they inferred the matter