29th Annual Report (2016-17)

PUBLICATIONS BY VISITING ASSOCIATES (a) JOURNALS 1. Farooq Ahmad , Manzoor Malik and M. Maqbool Bhat (2016) Gravitational clustering of galaxies: Derivation of two-point galaxy correlation function using statistical mechanics of cosmological many-body problem, Ap&SS, 361, 223. 2. Suman Majumdar, Kanan K. Datta, Raghunath Ghara, Rajesh Mondal, ... , Sk. SaiyadAli, et al. (2016) Line of sight anisotropies in the cosmic dawn and EoR 21-cmpower spectrum, JApA, 37(4), 32. 3. Sk. Saiyad Ali , Somnath Bharadwaj, Samir Choudhuri, Abhik Ghosh and Nirupam Roy ( 2016) Prospects of measuring the angular power spectrumof the diffuse galactic synchrotron emission with SKA1 Low, JApA, 37(4), 35. 4. Samir Choudhuri, Somnath Bharadwaj, Suman Chatterjee , Sk. Saiyad Ali, Nirupam Roy, et al. (2016) The visibility based TaperedGridded Estimator (TGE) for the redshifted 21-cmpower spectrumprospects, MNRAS, 463, 4093. 5. Kajari Gupta and G.Ambika (2016) Suppression of dynamics and frequency synchronization in coupled slow and fast dynamical systems, EPJB, 89, 147 6. Sandip V. George, G. Ambika and Ranjeev Misra (2017) Detecting dynamical states from noisy time series using bicoherence , Non-linear Dyn. doi:10.1007/s11071-017-3465-6. 7. Sourav Dutta, Muthusamy Lakshmanan and Subenoy Chakraborty (2016) Quintom cosmological model and some possible solutions using Lie and Noether symmetries, IJMPD, 25, 1650110. 8. Subenoy Chakraborty, Subhajit Saha and Christian Corda (2016) Hawking-like radiation from the trapping horizon of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous spherically symmetric spacetime model of the universe , Entrp, 18, 287. 9. SubenoyChakraborty (2017)A new stability criterion for general cylindrical thin-shell wormholes, GReGr, 49, 47 . 10. German S. Sharov, Subhra Bhattacharya, Supriya Pan, Rafael C. Nunes and Subenoy Chakraborty (2017) A new interacting two fluidmodel and its consequences, MNRAS, 466, 3497. 11. RameshChandra, Cristina H. Mandrini, Brigitte Schmieder, Bhuwan Joshi, G.D. Cristiani, et al. (2017) Blowout jets and impulsive eruptive flare in a bald-patch topology A&A, 598, A41. 12. Navin Chandra Joshi, RameshChandra, YangGuo, TetsuyaMagara, Ivan Zhelyazkov, et al. (2017) Investigation of recurrent EUV jets fromhighly dynamic magnetic field region ,ApSS, 362, 10 . 13. Ramesh Chandra, Virendra Verma, S. Rani and R. A. Maurya (2017) Multi-wavelength view of an M2.2 solar flare on 26 November 2000, NewA, 51, 105. 14. Hema Bisht, Bimal Pande, RameshChandra and Seema Pande (2017) Geoeffectiveness of solar eruptions during the rising phase of solar cycle 24 , NewA, 51, 74. 191